Monday, October 26, 2009

Week 10

Well, I have a problem, I need time to stop. Senior year is going so fast, it's already almost Halloween. I've been busy taking senior poll photos, trying to finish college applications, and at the same time remembering to have fun. My friends haven't seen me in weeks, my boyfriend complains he never sees me, and my parents asked me last night to please try and be home for dinner once a week. When things are going so fast, how is it possible to stop and smell the roses?
On top of that my youngest brother, Gray, left for Outdoor Ed this week. I remember when I was packing for that, thinking I was so grown up to finally going out without my parents, and that I was a "big girl" now. Well, the "big girlness" has faded, and all I want to do is be a little kid and have my parents clean up after me. I'm tired, stressed, and the only thing to do is to keep going, because if I stop I might fall behind.
This weekend my girlfriends decided that it was necessary to take a girls night out and go to see Where the Wild Things Are. I went into the movie expecting some silly little film, that I could take my brother to when he got home. The movie surprised me, it taught that above all no one is perfect and all you can do is try. I guess that's all I can do in these next couple months, to try. I can try and meet my parents, friends, and boyfriend's expectations. Or I can try and just be happy, and make myself happy. I think I'm going to go with the later.

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