Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2

This blog thing? Not really working for me Mr. Burke, I never know what to say. I guess that's the point though? That I'm supposed to create my own guidelines for this blog, and change as a thinker, writer, reader, and so on and so forth. I'm assuming this blog is supposed to show how I've morphed from a highschool student into a college bound young adult. But who knows I could be completely wrong.
I never really understood diary and journal writing as a kid. One time, my second grade teacher assigned us journals to write over the summer, and in return we would get a rootbeer float at the begining of the next school year. So throughout the summer my mom fought and pressured me into writing a journal everyday. I have a clear memory of me hiding from her as she was coming to remind me about my "daily journal entry". I didn't like to write them, I disliked the feeling of reflecting on my day and having it read back on in such a boring tone. If something is funny in the moment, how can I relate that on paper, in a journal entry? To me it just ruined the memory. But none the less, I wrote in that journal everyday, through the kicking and screaming and coaxing from my mother, I wrote in that journal. Best part is? When I got back to school in the fall, I missed the rootbeer float day.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week One

     A lot of things we focused on this week were our strengths and weaknesses. This has to do in the classroom, with friends (social situations), and in our futures. When we focus on our weaknesses we learn how to channel them and make them our strengths. And when we work on our strengths we learn to channel them and make them stronger then they already are. 
   A Wagner skill that I'm good at is curiosity, I'm always asking questions. This is a strength because I always want to understand and learn new things to understand people better. I think I have a good imagination to, and think outside the box, this helps me look at situations from a new point a view. 
   My weakness is logic, and problem solving. I can't think problems through because I'm so short sided and only see the immediate affects. With problem solving, I don't think of things in reality. There are very situations that can have both sides be happy. I want these situations to be all situations, and it's very hard for me to accept that they aren't.

Monday, August 17, 2009


I think that the man in the painting has just accomplished something in his life, that is important to him. The cliff he is standing on symbolizes obstacles that he had to overcome to get to where he is. The mist in the painting I think represents the unknown. That although he accomplished this great feat, there is still the future to worry about and many things left to figure out. The man's stance is powerful because by accomplishing this first big goal, he feels ready to overcome upcoming challenges.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Clara Timpe's blog works

-grace goodman