Monday, September 7, 2009

Week Three

It's already been three weeks of my senior year in highschool, and time has never flown by so quickly. I guess the saying is right, time flies by faster when your older. Which leaves me leaving every english class, wondering what comes next. Especially this week, with a focus on society and the roles we need, or choose to play out.
I was always brought up in the manner that you do what you do, and as long as you were the best at it, and if you weren't the best you tried hard to be, my parents would be proud. That goes along with being a functioning member of society, get a good education, go to college, get a high paying job, start a family, and into this boring lifestyle that even at age seventeen I know I will never be truely content in. I don't want to grow up and become a Bartleby, where I'm just so boring and uninterested, but on the inside I'm tormented by the want, or some would argue need, to do something productive.
Being stuck in the same job every day, every month, every year, would possibly drive me insane. Actually scratch that, it would completely drive me insane. So is it so wrong of me to want to step outside the box and try something different that society wouldn't expect? It's always the people who did the unexpected that get remembered.
But on the other hand, where would this society be if we didn't have say "cubical workers" and "number crunchers." I mean where would we be? Not everyone has the willingness or wants to step outside their box, and I guess in the long run not everyone can or nothing would get done. So is it wrong or right to want to try something new, or does it just depend on the person?

1 comment:

  1. Well, well, Miss Goodman is officially a blogger. You can't even compare last week's to this week's posting. Very thoughtful response to the ideas and texts we have been considering, Miss Goodman.
